Rima International Journal of Education (RIJE)

Students’ Perception and Use of Emerging Technology in Tertiary Institutions in Ondo State, Nigeria

Abidoye James Aalabi and Fakuade, Olubusayo Victor
1*Department of Educational Technology Adeyemi Federal University of Education, Ondo, Nigeria
2School of Digital, Distance and E-learning Kampala International University, Uganda


This study examines students’ perception and use of emerging technology in tertiary institutions in Ondo State, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design was used in the study. Two research questions and one research hypothesis were generated for this study. The sample population consisted of 300 students randomly selected from the three universities across the three senatorial districts (Ondo north, central and south). 100 participants were randomly selected from each of the selected public universities, making the total of 300 participants. The instrument for this study was researcher’ self-developed questionnaire titled Students’ Perception and Use of Emerging Technology Questionnaire (SPUETQ). The instrument was validated by two experts. Reliability coefficient of 0.78 was obtained using Kuder-Richardson (KR21) technique. Research questions and research hypotheses were answered and tested using mean scores and Pearson product correlation statistical tools respectively. The findings of the study showed that students’ perception of emerging technology in tertiary institutions in Ondo State was positive. It was also revealed that the level of use of emerging technology in tertiary institutions in Ondo State was very high. The results also shown that there was no significant relationship between students’ perception and use of emerging technology in tertiary institutions in Ondo state (N = 180; r = -.090; p>0.05). The study therefore recommends that managements of tertiary institutions should encourage the use of emerging technology in teaching and learning process. The study also recommended that management of tertiary institutions school make funds available for the provision of web-based devices for effective teaching and learning.


Web-Based Tools, Perception, Tertiary Institution, Ondo State


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