Rima International Journal of Education (RIJE)

Effect of Game-Based Learning Platforms on Senior Secondary Student Engagement and Knowledge Retention in Biology in Kwara State, Nigeria

*1Olufunke Olayinka Kayode, 2Abdulraheem Dare Gbigbadua and 3Rasaq Sulyman
*1,2, &3Department of Arts and Science Education, Faculty of Education, Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria Email: Olufunke.kayode@kwasu.edu.ng1, abdulreheem.gbigbadua@kwasu.edu.ng2, & rasaq.sulyman@kwasu.edu.ng3 ORCID: 0009-0003-7464-27781, 0009-0008-1198-29582, & 0009-0003-5950-93893


The study investigated the Effect of Game-based Learning Platforms on Senior Secondary Student’s engagement and Knowledge Retention in Biology in Kwara State, Nigeria. Utilizing a quasi-experimental design, the research involved two groups: an experimental group exposed to classroom based gamified learning strategies and a control group receiving traditional lecture-based instruction. Data were collected using a Biology Achievement Test (BAT) and a Student Engagement Questionnaire (SEQ), with high reliability. The findings indicated that gamification significantly enhances student engagement and knowledge retention, addressing the challenges of low engagement and poor academic outcomes prevalent in the State The study underscores the importance of adopting innovative teaching strategies in resource-constrained settings, providing empirical evidence that supports the integration of gamification into the biology curriculum. This study contributed to the broader knowledge on educational strategies that foster active learning and intrinsic motivation among students. The study recommended that schools should incorporate gamified learning strategies into the biology curriculum to enhance student engagement and improve academic performance. Teachers should be trained and retrained by school management and government on gamification techniques to effectively implement these strategies in the classroom in order to ensure a more interactive learning environment.


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