Impact of Staff Development Programmes on the Principals' Performance in Administering Secondary Schools in North- West Zone, Nigeria
Bello Ibrahim, Abdullahi Tatabu Mohammed & Hamza Muhammad Tambuwal
1Department of Educational Foundation, School of General Education, Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto, Nigeria. Email:
2Department of Educational Foundations and Curriculum, Faculty of Education, Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria. Email:
3Department of Business Education, Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto, Nigeria. Email:
This study investigated the impact of staff development programmes on the principals' performance in administering secondary schools in North-West Zone Nigeria. For the purpose of the study, two objectives along with their corresponding research questions and hypotheses were formulated. Descriptive-survey design was employed for the study. The population of the study was 34,116 respondents comprising of 2,075 principals, 30,993 teachers and 1048 Ministry of Education officials. The sample size of the study was 378.The study used questionnaire for data collection whose validity and reliability indices were established at 0.84 and 0.91 respectively. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. The findings among others revealed thatthere was no significant differences in the respondents’ opinions with regards to principals’ participation in conferences, (Cumulative Mean: 3.25 > 2.5) and (p. value 0.108 >0, 05 sig. level retained), and workshopsas they significantly helped them on effective ways of supervising their teachers in classrooms and this improves teacher performance in secondary schools in North-West zone Nigeria,( cumulative Mean: 3.33 > 2.5) (p. value 0.386 > 0,05 sig. level retained). It was Therefore, recommended that State Ministries of Education should allocate more funds and time to principals to enable them regularly participate in training and development programmes and efforts should also be made to encourage them attend both local and international conferences not only for the sake of promotion but for improvingtheir performance in the schools.
Staff, Development, Programmes, Principal, Performance
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