Rima International Journal of Education (RIJE)

Relationship among Guidance and Counselling Intervention, Artificial Intelligent and Academic Performance of Senior Secondary School Students in Sokoto Metropolis

Abubakar Naabu
Department of Guidance and Counseling, Faculty of Education and Extension Services. Shehu Shagari University of Education Sokoto. Sokoto State, Nigeria Email: abubakarnaabu2@gmail.com


This research investigated the relationships among guidance and counselling intervention, Artificial Intelligent and academic performance of senior secondary school students in Sokoto metropolis. Correlational Survey Design employed for this study. The total population for this study was11,830. Six secondary schools were purposively selected and participated in this study. 381students served as the sample for this research. 3 null hypotheses were generated and tested. The instruments used in this study were three sets of questionnaires. Students' artificial intelligent, Guidance and counselling rating scale and self-designed academic achievement tests in Chemistry and English. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient statistical analysis tool was used to test the three null hypotheses. The three null hypotheses were tested and rejected at an alpha level of 0.05. The major findings of this study are there are significant relationship between Guidance and Counselling intervention and Artificial intelligent and students’ academic performance. It was concluded that Guidance and counselling intervention have positive relationship with the variables studied. Recommendations were forwarded amongst which is that since Guidance and counselling intervention have significant relationship with student’s artificial intelligent and students’ academic performance, the Sokoto state government should employ^ a qualified counsellors and post one or two of such to each secondary schools in the state.


Guidance and counselling intervention, Artificial intelligent, Academic performance


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