Rima International Journal of Education (RIJE)

Teachers’ Evaluation of Al-Ma’dubah Al-’Adabiyyah Arabic Literature Textbook in Kwara State Senior Secondary Schools, Nigeria

Jamiu Abdur-Rafiu, Owoyale-AbdulGaniy, I.S., & Alfa-Banni Tunde Ahmed
Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, Sokoto State University


The purpose of this paper is to examine the innovative management strategies towards enhanced school-community relations. Both the school and the community are interdependent and interrelated. They are expected to benefit each other in the use of school plants, economic activities and acquisition of knowledge. This paper highlighted the need to link the school and the community into a cohesive group that works effectively towards the achievement of mutually established goals. This paper comprehensively discussed the concept and benefits that are associated with school- community relations, for instance involvement of community members in school is particularly useful in order to mobilise financial, material, and human resources. This paper revealed important innovative management strategies towards effective realization of enhanced school-community relations in the 21st century. Part of the management strategies stated that, the schools’ personnel, and most importantly the teachers, should be opened to the community’s involvement in the school, help them (in a fascinating manner) in their community development and cultural activities, draw community talent and other resources to the school and allow community members to use school resources and the likes, equally the school administrators particularly the new ones should participate in civic activities outside schools.


Management, Strategies, Innovations, School-Community Relations


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