Rima International Journal of Education (RIJE)

Service Learning in 21st Century: The Role of Emerging Technologies on Today’s Preservice Teacher Education

Hassan Aliyu & Aliyu Garba
Department of Science Education, Sokoto State University, Sokoto, Nigeria. Email: nagoronyo@gmail.com ; ORCID: 0000-0003-4929-3126


This study explores the integration of emerging technologies in service learning within preservice teacher education, highlighting its significance in preparing future educators for the demands of 21st-century classrooms. Service learning, which combines academic learning with community engagement, is examined as a powerful pedagogical approach that fosters critical thinking, cultural competence, and social responsibility. The research identifies various emerging technologies, such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and collaborative online platforms that enhance the service-learning experience by facilitating access to resources, promoting communication, and enabling innovative pedagogical practices. However, the study also addresses challenges faced by preservice teachers, including inadequate institutional support, ethical concerns regarding data privacy, and the rapid evolution of technology. The study discusses the importance of a collaborative effort among educators, institutions, and technology developers to create a robust framework for service learning that influences technology effectively, thereby enriching teacher education and fostering a more equitable educational landscape for all students.


Service Learning, Emerging Technologies, Preservice Teacher Education, Community Engagement, Pedagogical Practices


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