Reliability of Digital Literacy Scale on Academic Performance of Pre-service Teachers in Early Childhood Caregivers in Ojo LGA, Lagos State
Aremu V. I. & Udofia I. G.
1Department of Educational Technology, Lagos State University of Education, Lagos
2Department of Guidance and Counselling Education, Lagos State University of Education, Lagos.
The study investigated reliability of digital literacy scale on academic performance of Pre-service teachers in Early Childhood in Ojo, LGA, Lagos State. The objective of this work was out to determine the effect of digital literacy training on academic performance of pre-service teachers as 2x2 schematic design of true-experimental research design was adopted to randomise participants. The study was carried out among pre-service caregivers in Lagos State University of Education, LASUED. Target population comprised of 200 level undergraduates of sixty participants selected sample (30 experimental and 30 control group participants). Purposive sampling technique was used to select participant. An adapted 15-item 2022/2023 First Semester Achievement Test on Educational Technology and another adapted 15-item on Digital Literacy Scale (DLS) a 3-point scale instrument was used for data collection. Content validity was ensured through the use of Cronbach alpha, a reliability index of 0.864 and 0.890 was derived, meaning that the instruments are suitable for use and t-test statistics was used to analyse the data. The study revealed that participants in the experimental group performed better than those in the control group due to effective training and exposure given to them, hence, all null hypotheses rejected and alternative retained. The study concluded that the adapted digital literacy scale remains a reliable instrument for the improvement of academic performance of students. Among others the study recommended that Digital literacy training should be extended to students in public secondary schools.
Academic performance, Reliability, Digital Literacy, Achievement, Technology
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