Nigeria’s Contemporary Security Challenges: Its impacts on Education and Possible Solutions
Shola Sunday Olanipekun, Mohammed Usman, Ismaila Ayinde Garuba, & Sani Mohammed
1General Studies Education Department, Kwara State College of Education (Tech.), Lafiagi
2&4Department of Curriculum & Instruction Kwara State College of Education (Tech.), Lafiagi
3Agric Science Education Department, Kwara State College of Education (Tech.), Lafiagi
In Nigeria, the absence of permanent peace, security and stability have remained a major cause of concern to academicians and policy makers within and outside the country. To this extent, this paper explores some Nigeria’s contemporary security challenges and its impacts on education. It reaffirms that Nigeria, today, faces a number of considerable peace and security challenges which are caused by corruption and poverty, ethno-religious conflicts, militants, kidnapping, terrorism, poor governance, and forced displacement. It further explores the impacts of these security challenges and instability on education in Nigeria in connection with the closure of schools and disruption of educational activities, a decline in enrollment and poor quality of education among others. Afterwards, it unravels possible solutions to Nigeria’s contemporary security challenges, including employing a number of ICT tools to combat insecurity including mobile phones, CCTV, and biometric data mining, to combat the insurgency and other criminal acts. The paper recommends that non-government and international organisations can support Nigerian government to curb violent conflicts, and terrorist attacks on educational institutions and facilities.
Nigeria, Security, Challenges, Education and Solutions
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