Improving Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers through Integrated STEM (iSTEM) Strategy among Students of Sokoto State University, Nigeria
Usman Galadima
Department of of Science Education, Sokoto State University, Sokoto, Nigeria. Email: ; ORCID: 0000-0002-8519-9287
Stakeholders in education believed that the integrated Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (iSTEM) strategy is an effective pedagogy that provides the learners with innovative and higher-order thinking skills needed in the 21st century. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the understanding of Pre-service Mathematics Teachers (PMTs) in improving their Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) in teaching iSTEM strategy. The study was a qualitative research method that allows the participants to spell out their viewpoints on teaching iSTEM strategy. Six (6) participants were purposively chosen and the focus group data collected were analysed inductively using themes, categories, codes and thematic maps developed in line with the research purpose. Reliability includes an investigation of the stability or consistency of responses by checking the transcription and audio recordings. The two independent raters read the transcriptions and formed their categorisation based on the pre-defined set of themes to corroborate interrater agreement which happened to have the content validity index (CVI) of 0.97. The Cohen’s Kappa coefficient between the raters was 0.87 suggesting a satisfaction level of agreement between the raters. The results portrayed that, the PMTs are fully prepared to teach the iSTEM lesson in a more holistic manner rather than in bit and pieces into their classroom instruction. Finally, it is recommended that a similar study should be conducted in all level of education as the importance attached towards the iSTEM education globally.
Integrated STEM Strategy, PCK, Pre-service Mathematics Teachers
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