Rima International Journal of Education (RIJE)

Counselling Approaches for Skills Acquisition among Adolescents in 21st Century

Salisu Ali Bokko, Shakirat Funmilola Na’allah, & Mansur Shehu
1Department of Educational Foundation, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria – Post Graduate Student.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the most effective counselling approaches for developing skills among adolescents in Nigeria. A mixed-methods of qualitative and quantitative research design was utilised for this study, with data collected through surveys and interviews with adolescents and counsellors. The sample for the study comprises of 40 respondents, of whom 30 are adolescents and 10 are counsellors across the nation. Results showed that integrative counselling, which combines elements from various approaches, was most effective in promoting skill acquisition among adolescents. Additionally, a collaborative approach where the counsellor and adolescent work together to set goals and develop strategies was found to be crucial to the success of counselling for skill development. These findings have implications for counselling practices and interventions aimed at promoting skill development among adolescents. This study provides valuable insights for counsellors, educators, and policymakers to better understand and support the unique needs of adolescents in their skill acquisition journey.


Adolescent Development, Skill Acquisition, Counselling Approaches, Intervention


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