Rima International Journal of Education (RIJE)

Assessment of Counselling Needs of Sickle Cell Anaemia Patients Attending Specialist Hospital Sokoto State

Salihu Mukhtar Nawait & Abdullahi Shafii
1*&2Department of Educational Foundations, Sokoto State University, Sokoto, Nigeria.


The study examined the counselling needs of sickle cell anaemia patients attending specialist hospital in Sokoto Metropolis. The study used cross-sectional survey research design. The population of the study consisted of 3322 sickle cell patient attending Specialist Hospital Sokoto from 2021-2023. Purposively represented by 346 respondents as a sample size. . The instrument used for this study was entitled “Counselling Needs of Patients with Sickle-cell Anaemia Disease Questionnaire (CNPSADQ) with 0.78 and 0.82 validity and reliability indexes respectively. Two research objectives and two research hypotheses were formulated as guide to the study. The data collected were used to test the hypotheses and the results indicated that, there is a significant counselling needs' on the sickle cell anaemia patients attending Specialist hospital in Sokoto Metropolis based on mental health and also revealed that there is significant difference in the effect of counselling needs of sickle cell anaemia patients attending Specialist hospital in Sokoto Metropolis based on gender Finally it was recommended that Counseling programs shall specifically focus to address the unique mental health needs of sickle cell anemia patients and government shall create gender-sensitive counselling interventions that recognize and address the distinct emotional and social support needs of male and female patients.


Counselling Needs & Sickle cell Anaemia Patients


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