Rima International Journal of Education (RIJE)

The Effect of Social Media Usage and Anxiety on Academic Achievement among Senior Secondary School Students in Sokoto State

1Ramatu Muhammad Maiwada & 2Fatima Abubakar Lawal
1Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, Sokoto State University

2Sultan Bello Secondary School Sokoto


The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between social-media usage and anxiety on academic achievement among senior secondary school students in Sokoto state, Nigeria. A quantitative survey research design was employed to examine 400 students from senior secondary schools in Sokoto state. For the collection of data, questionnaires, namely: Social-Media Usage Test Scale (SMUTSQ), Anxiety Test Scale (ATS), and Students Academic Achievement Scale (SAAS) measured by their result in their senior secondary school examinations were used. The result of analysis indicated a negative and significant relationship between social media usage and anxiety (r = -0.80; p<0.05) and a negative and significant relationship between social media usage and academic achievement (r = -0.34; p<0.05). Based on the findings and discussions, it can be concluded that anxiety and social media usage have significant negative effect on academic achievement. It can also be concluded from the findings that social media usage negatively and significantly moderated the effects of anxiety on academic achievement. The findings of this study have a great contribution to the theoretical body of knowledge on students’ social media usage and test anxiety, particularly in Sokoto state, Nigeria.


Social-Media, Anxiety, Education, Academic Achievement, secondary school students


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