Rima International Journal of Education (RIJE)

Scientific Judgements on Students’ Progress by Instructors

Nasiru Ibrahim Tambuwal
Department of Science Education, Faculty of Education, Sokoto State University


Evaluation is an impetus that help in providing answers concerning the process and product of teaching and learning. The paper argued on some issues in making valid scientific judgements on the overall performance of the learners at end of semester or course. In view of this the paper highlighted the concepts associated with the evaluation; secondly, a focus was given to the two types of evaluation (formative, and summative) and their reflection on how best instructors can construct test, or examination questions. On a third note, emerging issues on evaluation were discussed. Hence the author highlighted some suggestions, that teachers/instructors should embrace planning before instruction; use of Bloom’s taxonomy levels and also the use of Table of specifications (TOS), with specific examples of some concepts in biology. Conclusively, the author suggests that for teachers/instructors to judge their pupils’/students’ achievement on a taught item they need to embrace planning their lessons and prioritizing achieving objectives guided by Bloom’s taxonomic items and TOS.


Scientific Judgments, Students’ progress, Emerging discourse


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