Rima International Journal of Education (RIJE)

Role of PhET Interactive Simulation as Virtual Technology that Facilitates Learning of Chemistry: A Systematic Review of Chemical Concepts, Learning Theories, Instructional Modes and Strategies

Hassan Aliyu, Anas Abdullahi & Aliyu Garba
1&3Department of Science Education, Faculty of Education, Sokoto State University

2Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Sokoto State University, Sokoto


Technology in the classroom is becoming increasingly prevalent, but many educators face challenges when integrating educational technology effectively. With the rapid growth of technological innovations, there are abundant opportunities to engage students in meaningful learning. Thus, for effective integration of technology in the classroom, teachers need to possess relevant technological pedagogical and content knowledge. The study investigated the predominantly employed instructional strategies used by educators when integrating PhET interactive simulations into the teaching and learning of chemical concepts. It also investigated the most learnt chemical concepts and psychological theories guiding the instructions designed by the educators across all levels of education. In order to address these objectives, the study adopted a systematic review of academic research published after the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2024). After subjecting the obtained data to inclusion and exclusion criteria, 25 articles qualified for the study. The results indicated that the chemical processes/concepts learnt in the classroom with the aid of PhET interactive simulation include “physical chemistry," “chemical bonding," “Three State of Matter (solid, liquid, and gas)," “chemical equilibrium," “general chemistry," and “acid-base concept." It also reveals that the volumetric analysis of acid and base chemistry is the most learnt concept in the laboratory via interactive simulations. The findings also reveal that the predominant instructional strategies used for delivering instruction via PhET interactive simulations include inquiry, problem-based learning, project-based learning, discovery learning, and the Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) method. Finally, constructivism, cognitive load theory, Ausubel's theory of significant learning, and experiential learning theory are predominantly used theories guiding integration of PhET interactive simulation in the teaching and learning of chemistry. The study concluded that chemistry educators focus on using PhET interactive simulation in addressing difficulties in learning abstract concepts of chemistry, especially submicroscopic and microscopic chemical processes.


Chemistry, Balancing Chemical Equation, PhET Interactive Simulation, Virtual Learning, Instructional Strategies


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