Rima International Journal of Education (RIJE)

Psycho-Demographic Factors and Attitude towards E-Learning among Students of Adeyemi Federal University of Education, Ondo, Nigeria

Saheed Abiola Saka, Akinyemi Olufunminiyi Akinbobola & Adekemi Anthonia Olorunfemi
1University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria

2&3Adeyemi Federal University of Education, Ondo, Nigeria


Attitude towards e-learning has been subject of discussion among the educational stakeholders in Nigeria as it is known that adoption of electronic learning among Nigeria students is low. This study examined the correlate of self-efficacy, self-esteem, demographic factors and attitude towards e-learning among students of Adeyemi Federal University of Education (AFUED), Nigeria. This study adopted the correlational survey design. Samples of 147 students were selected through convenience sampling technique among students of AFUED, Ondo, Nigeria. The instrument comprised of self-esteem, self-efficacy and attitude towards e-learning scale. Pearson Product Moment Correlation and regression analysis were used to analyze the data. The result indicated a significant relationship between self-esteem and attitude towards e-learning {r(147)= 0.398, p=0.01} and self- efficacy and attitude towards e-learning {r(147)= 0.329, p=0.01}. It was further showed that, only age among demographic factors had a significant relationship with attitude towards e-learning. The study concluded that self-esteem, self-efficacy, and age had significantly relationship with attitude towards e-learning among students of AFUED. It is recommended that, the students the university should be encouraged and enlightened about the electronic and other mode of virtual learning.


Attitude towards e-learning, self-esteem, self- efficacy, age, the programme of study and mode of study


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