Rima International Journal of Education (RIJE)

ISSN Print: 2756 – 6749

Rima International Journal of Education

Rima International Journal of Education was founded in January 2021 by the Faculty of Education of Sokoto State University. CALL FOR PAPER: The Editorial Board of RIJE wishes to invite scholars across the globe to submit their articles for consideration for publication in the Volume 3, Issue 2, to be published in November 2024

Investigating Attitude of Hearing-impairment Students towards Learning Multiplication among Lower Basic Students in A. A. Raji Special School Sokoto, Sokoto State, Nigeria

1B. U. Binji
Faculty of Education, Department of Science Education, Sokoto State University

2Muhammad Nasiru Hassan
Faculty of Education, Department of Science Education, Sokoto State University

3Bello Shehu Aliyu
Faculty of Education, Department of Science Education, Sokoto State University

4Usman Galadima
Faculty of Education, Department of Science Education, Sokoto State University


Multiplication concept is one of the pre-requisite skills needed for better understanding and development of mathematics skills. Students' understanding, development of basic mathematical skills, and performance are affected by some factors, that include, attitude, instructional process, and materials used among others. The present research investigates the hearing-impaired students’ attitude toward using the Chinese stick method in learning multiplication in Sokoto state Nigeria. One group of pre-test and post-test research design was employed, a sample of 344 was purposively selected. An attitude questionnaire for the use of the Chinese stick method of   Multiplication was adapted and used for data collection after being subjected for the expert validation and also a reliability index of 0.87 using Cronbach alpha was obtained. The results obtained indicate that students have a positive attitude on the overall score when they are exposed to the Chinese stick method. Mann-Whitney U-test was used to analyze the two hypotheses. The results indicate a significant difference on students’ attitude scores before and after using the Chinese stick method in learning multiplication and that no significant gender difference was found between male and female students after using the method. Thus, this indicated that the use of the stick method can enhance the attitude of hearing-impairment. Based on this the stick method can be used as a tool for improving students' attitudes and performance in learning multiplication concepts.


Hearing-impairment, Attitude, Chinese stick method


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