Rima International Journal of Education (RIJE)

ISSN Print: 2756 – 6749

Rima International Journal of Education

Rima International Journal of Education was founded in January 2021 by the Faculty of Education of Sokoto State University. CALL FOR PAPER: The Editorial Board of RIJE wishes to invite scholars across the globe to submit their articles for consideration for publication in the Volume 3, Issue 2, to be published in November 2024

Impacts and Challenges of Using Podcasting for Teaching and Learning in Higher Educational Institutions in Nigeria

Ismaila, Abdullahi Abubakar
Department of Curriculum Studies, Faculty of Education, Sokoto State University

Abdulaziz, Nafiu
Department of Curriculum Studies, Faculty of Education, Sokoto State University

Wokili, Sa’adatu Helen
Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, Sokoto State University


Podcasting are short clips that can be either on audio or video. This paper discussed the impacts and challenges of using podcasting for teaching and learning in higher educational institutions in Nigeria. If we look at the technological progression globally, it becomes imperative to review the impacts of using such technologies as podcast, and others and also the challenges encountered by teachers using such technologies in their instructional practices. The emergence of technological tools makes teaching and learning easy, interesting and enjoyable. This paper highlighted a number of stages a teacher should implement while using podcasting in teaching. Impacts and challenges of using podcasting in teaching and learning were also discussed. The challenges facing the use of podcasting in Nigeria tertiary institutions: inadequate tools, inadequate power supply, lack of adequate awareness on how to use podcasts in education and poor implementation of ICT related policies by the concern authorities Inadequate access to available resources, inadequate power supply, lack of pedagogical training on how to integrate Podcasting into teaching, inadequate technical support, lack of adequate awareness about educational podcasting, poor implementation of ICT policies by government, insufficient competence in handling ICT resources, high cost of internet service providers, inadequate funding of the university by the government, corruption, Technological challenges, High cost of implementation, high cost of e-learning facilities. Despite the challenges facing the use of podcasts in Nigeria, there are enormous impacts of podcasts in education: podcasting helps students to carry out much of their studies online, podcasts supported organizational aspects of learning, podcasting brought an informality and fun to formal learning, podcasting developed students e-learning and independent study skills and podcasting enable learners a deep engagement with learning material. The paper recommends that seminars, conferences, workshops or lectures should be organizing regularly to further enhance integration of ICT related technology especially the use of podcasting towards development of teaching and learning. Electricity should be adequately provided by the government to enable the use of technology related tools for teaching and learning and podcasting should be one of the most active teaching aids.


Pedagogy; Technological Tools; Podcasting


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