Rima International Journal of Education (RIJE)

ISSN Print: 2756 – 6749

Rima International Journal of Education

Rima International Journal of Education was founded in January 2021 by the Faculty of Education of Sokoto State University. CALL FOR PAPER: The Editorial Board of RIJE wishes to invite scholars across the globe to submit their articles for consideration for publication in the Volume 3, Issue 2, to be published in November 2024

Effects of Jigsaw IV Cooperative Learning Strategy on Students’ Performance and Retention in Geometry among Secondary School Students in Zaria Metropolis, Kaduna State, Nigeria

1Jamilu, A. A.
Department of Maths and Statistics, Nuhu Bamalli Polytechnic, Zaria

2Iliyasu, A.
Department of Mathematics Federal College of Education Zaria

3Shehu, M. D.
College of Education Gidan Waya, Kaduna State

4Vincent, D. J.
Department of Maths and Statistics, Nuhu Bamalli Polytechnic, Zaria


This study examined the effects of Jigsaw IV Cooperative Learning Strategy (J4CLS) on Students’ Performance and Retention in Geometry among Secondary School Students in Zaria Metropolis. A pretest, Posttest and Post Posttest Quasi-experimental research design was used for the study. The experimental group was exposed to J4CLS while the control group was taught using Conventional Method of Teaching.  Sample size of students were selected from two Senior Secondary Schools in Zaria Metropolis were used as the study sample, drawn from a population of 15 schools. The two schools selected, were pretested to find their academic status before the treatment. An Instrument was developed named Geometry Performance Test (GPT) with reliability coefficient of 0.79 using SPSS. The Concept of Geometry discussed in this study was plane geometry (2-D Geometry). The data collected were analyzed using Mean scores, Standard deviation and t-test at α=0.05  level of significance. There is significant difference in the mean scores of Secondary students taught 2-D Geometry concepts with J4CLS and their counterparts taught with Conventional Method of Teaching in the Metropolis. Students exposed to J4CLS performed higher than those exposed to Conventional Method of Teaching. Students exposed to J4CLS had retained 2-D Geometry concepts higher than those taught using Conventional Method of Teaching. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that, Mathematics teachers should integrate J4CLSinto main streams of pedagogy in the teaching at Senior Secondary Schools.


JIGSAW IV Cooperative Leaning Strategy, Performance, Retention, 2-D Geometry


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