Rima International Journal of Education (RIJE)

ISSN Print: 2756 – 6749

Rima International Journal of Education

Rima International Journal of Education was founded in January 2021 by the Faculty of Education of Sokoto State University. CALL FOR PAPER: The Editorial Board of RIJE wishes to invite scholars across the globe to submit their articles for consideration for publication in the Volume 3, Issue 2, to be published in November 2024

Appraising the Relationship between Burnout and Job Satisfactions among Private School Teachers for Quality Education in Wamakko Local Government Area, Sokoto State

Salihu Mukhtar Nawait
Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, Sokoto State University, Sokoto

Lamido M. Rilwanu
Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, Sokoto State University, Sokoto

Usman Bukar Abba
Department of Educational Psychology and Counselling, Islamic University, Uganda


The study investigated on the relationship between burnout and job satisfactions among private school teachers in Wamakko local government area. It was a cross sectional survey design which consists of 92 respondents (teachers) randomly selected from three purposively selected private schools representing thirty three (33) private schools in the study area. Adopted Maslach Burnout Inventory - Educators Survey (MBI - ES) and Job Satisfactions Survey (JSS) instruments were used for collecting data from the respondents. Two research questions and one hypothesis were formulated which guided the study and the data collected were analysed using Pearson Product Moment Correlations with the help of SPSS Version 20.  The results obtained shown the occurrences of burnout among the private school teachers for the first finding. The second finding revealed that there is significant relationship between burnout and job satisfactions of private school teachers in Wamkko local government area. The study recommended that school administrators should collaborate with their respective proprietors to find ways on how to avoid burnout among private schools’ teachers so that job satisfactions can be improved for better result.


Burnout, Job Satisfaction, Quality Education


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