Rima International Journal of Education (RIJE)

An Overview of the Trends in the Process of Education from Ancient Time Till Today

1Abdullahi Muhammad Teke
Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, Sokoto State University

2Lawal Bala
Department of Curriculum and Instructions Federal College of Education, Zaria

3Bashar Shitu 
National Board for Arabic and Islamic Studies, No. 62 Imam Road Kakeyi, Zaria


The paper examines the various trends in the process of education right from the inception of man on earth. It examines that man started the process of education by thinking on how to solve his immediate challenges after existence which later initiated the idea of traditional education, the system that operates in accordance with the needs and aspirations of individual societies. The early philosophers then started to think about the liberal and universal education in the middle age, where various philosophers gave various inputs which result in a more formal education system. Egyptian civilization was also considered as part of various trends in the process of education which energizes the emergence of science and technology. The paper also examines the era of industrial revolution in Europe and role played in the process of education. New trends continue to emerged, between 20th and 21st century education has taken a different dimension from traditional mode of education to progressive education which the paper highlighted and realized that we are facing 4th industrial revolution which is characterized by science and technology with potential challenges on education and future workforce. Therefore, the paper suggested that, school should embrace online learning, blended learning and educationists should device possible ways of saving human societies from the future challenge.


Trends, Education, Process of Education, Industrial Revolution


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