Rima International Journal of Education (RIJE)

Bibliometric Analysis of Postgraduate Dissertations and Theses Research Output of the Departments of Library and Information Sciences 2007-2022 in the Universities in North-West, Nigeria

Nafi’u Maharazu & Mohammad Tukur Lawal Tokawa
1*&2Department of Library & Information Sciences Umaru Musa Yar’adua University Katsina Nigeria University, Sokoto State, Nigeria.


The present study bibliometric analysis of postgraduate dissertations and theses research output of the Departments of Library and Information Sciences 2007-2022 in the universities of North-west Nigeria. The investigators attempted to reveal the distribution of Postgraduate Dissertations and Theses research output, examine the differences between the Masters and PhD research output and the year-wise distribution between dissertations and theses of the Departments understudy. Using a descriptive survey approach, the study sampled 651 from the three universities that offered postgraduate degrees in library and information science through a census method. The study employed self-designed content analysis checklists with descriptive statistics and frequency-based data presentation in tables. The Results showed that, the greatest percentage of dissertations and theses submitted between 2007 and 2022, 354 (54.37%) were from Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) in Zaria. Bayero University (BUK) Kano came second with 290 (44.55%) and Umaru Musa Yar’adua University (UMYU) emanated the least with 7 (1.08%) submission. The differences between the number of dissertations and theses, ABU has the highest number of MLS dissertations 299 (45.92), while UMYU has the least numbers 7 (1.07). Meanwhile, ABU has also the highest number of PhD theses 55 (8.44%). The findings also reveal that the highest 67 (10.29%) submissions of the dissertations and theses were produced in 2022 while the least 10 (1.53%) were produced in 2008. The study recommended among other things that there should be more documentation librarians attached to these university libraries whose duty should be tracking down research reports.


Bibliometric, Dissertations, Theses, Postgraduate, Library


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