Effects of Drill and Practice and Conventional Method on Hausa Language Students’ Performance and Retention in Daura Educational Zone, Katsina State, Nigeria
Asmau Zarma Gogaram & Rakiya Rabe Musa
1&2Federal University of Education, Kano
Adult education has long been recognized as a critical pathway for personal and societal development. This however indicates that, the evolving dynamics of global economies, driven by technological advancements and the need for self-sustenance, call for a retooling of adult education to foster entrepreneurial proficiency. Entrepreneurial proficiency is considered to be specific skills, knowledge and abilities required by entrepreneur to start and manage an enterprise successfully. The aim of this paper is to critically examine Adult education for entrepreneurial proficiency in Nigeria: challenges and way forward. The paper identified lack of entrepreneurial focus in curricula, inadequate infrastructure and resources, insufficient qualified educators and low participation and motivation as major challenges affecting entrepreneurial proficiency in Nigeria. The paper recommends overhauling of audited curriculum in adult education, introduction of modern technologies, Training and recruitment qualified staff and adequate funding and policy
Education, Adult Education, Entrepreneurial Proficiency, Entrepreneurial skills
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