Knowledge Sharing Strategies and their Effect on Research Collaboration in Universities in Katsina State
Usman Saidu & Muhammad Tukur Tokawa
1Department of Library and Information Science, Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Katsina, Katsina State, Nigeria
2Department of of Library and Information Science, Umaru Musa Yar’adua University Katsina, Nigeria
The study examines Knowledge Sharing Strategies and their Effect on Research Collaboration in Katsina State universities which include Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Federal University Dutsinma and Alqalam University. The study intended to assess the current states of Knowledge sharing strategies within universities in Katsina State focusing on formal and informal mechanisms, to examine the effectiveness of Knowledge sharing strategies in enhancing research collaboration among academic staff and researchers in universities in the State, and identify the challenges associated with knowledge sharing strategies in research collaboration in the university under study. Knowledge creation and sharing model was used for this study. Positivism research paradigm and survey research design were employed in carrying out the study. The population of this study comprised 1465 academic staff in the study area. A sample of 303 respondents was drawn based on by Krejcie and Morgan (1970) table. Questionnaire was used as the research instrument to collect data. The quantitative data collected was analyzed using descriptive analysis .The findings revealed that knowledge-sharing strategies in universities in Katsina State have a strong preference for several strategies which are widely agreed upon as effective. The finding also revealed that the use of knowledge sharing strategies in Katsina State universities significantly foster innovation, improve learning outcomes, research sharing, teaching quality, problem-solving, collaboration, and job satisfaction, highlighting their crucial role in advancing academic development. The finding revealed that Katsina State universities, in knowledge sharing strategies face significant challenges including extracting tacit knowledge, time constraints, and establishing a supportive culture. The study therefore, recommended that by latest technology, adequate training, incentives, awareness, and provision of formal sharing channels could produce positive effect on the research collaboration in academic development efforts in Katsina state universities.
knowledge sharing, universities, knowledge creation, strategies
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