Rima International Journal of Education (RIJE)

Incorporating Entrepreneurship Education in Educational Management Curricular in Universities for Job Creation and Self Reliance in Nigeria

Sa’adu Isa Bashar & Sambo Zayyanu
1Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, Sokoto State University, Sokoto

2School of Education, Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto, Nigeria


Nigeria faces a lot of unemployment challenges which contribute significantly in the hike of insecurity and insurgency problems in every nook and cranny of the country. This might not be unconnected to the yearly turnout of hundreds of thousands of graduates being produced by educational institutions across the country that could not be absorbed in the labour market. This paper highlights the need for integrating entrepreneurship education in the curricular of Educational Management in Universities to prepare Educational Management students for self-employment and reduce over dependence on government jobs. To this end, the paper after conceptual clarifications, examines the factors that are responsible for unemployment in Nigeria such as population growth, skills mismatch, insecurity and social instability, among others. Further, the paper highlights the relevance of integrating entrepreneurship education in Educational Management such as enhancing employability, self-employment and fostering innovations. Skills in entrepreneurship education were also examined in the paper as well as challenges bedevilling the integration of entrepreneurship education in Educational Management curriculum. The paper concludes that incorporating entrepreneurship education in educational management curricular in universities helps in making graduates job creators instead of job seekers. Based on this, the paper suggests the need for adopting strategies such as curriculum review, teacher training, collaboration and partnerships, experiential learning, establishment of entrepreneurship clubs and competitions, in order to ensure effective integration of entrepreneurship education in Educational Management curriculum for job creation and self-reliance.


Entrepreneurship Education, Educational Management, University, Job Creation, Self-reliance


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