Rima International Journal of Education (RIJE)

ASEI-PDSI Approach Level Of Awareness Of Among Mathematics And Science Education Student In Sokoto State University

Aliyu Garba, Hassan Aliyu & Faruku Aliyu
Department of Science Education, Faculty of Education, Sokoto State University


To assess the current level of awareness towards Activity Students Centred and Improvisation Plan Do See Improve ASEI-PDSI Approach among Mathematics and Science Education Student in Sokoto State University the Study designed level of awareness of ASEI-PDSI approach among mathematics and science education student Questionnaire (LAOAMASEQ). The main objective of this study was to expose Mathematics and Science student’s teacher to the new approach and assess the level of awareness of ASEI-PDSI Approach and gender disparity. Data were collected from a sample of 217 respondents. From the result, majority of the respondents portrayed very little knowledge about ASEI-PDSI Approach. So also, there is no significant difference between male and Female students with regards to ASEI-PDSI level of awareness among mathematics and Science education students’ teachers in Sokoto state university. The findings recommended that the module should be develop for mathematics and Science education students’ teacher in tertiary institutions, Government should encourage SMASE INSET and Government should integrate ASEI PDSI approach into teacher education programmes among many more.


ASEI PDSI, Awareness, Gender, Mathematics Education, Science Education


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