Rima International Journal of Education (RIJE)

ISSN Print: 2756 – 6749

Rima International Journal of Education

Rima International Journal of Education was founded in January 2021 by the Faculty of Education of Sokoto State University. CALL FOR PAPER: The Editorial Board of RIJE wishes to invite scholars across the globe to submit their articles for consideration for publication in the Volume 3, Issue 2, to be published in November 2024

Entrepreneurship Education

Educational Technology as a Tool for Entrepreneurship and Self-Reliance
Volume 1, Issue 2, Page 75 – 82
ANasiru Muhammad Dogondaji & Faruku Aliyu
Abstract – This paper defined educational Technology and entrepreneurship, it also explains the Characteristics of Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneur, behavioral role of entrepreneurs as categorized by different researchers , it also explains Entrepreneurial opportunities that are inherit in printing Technology. Furthermore the paper describes on the possible areas of job creation in the field of educational technology and highlighted some of the Major considerations for setting up a photography studio in